University Leadership

We want our schools of architecture to be at the forefront of having equal numbers of both genders teaching and in leadership. What research demonstrates is that this is no near happening yet. With only 14% of deans that are women in accredited programs of architecture across the United States, there is a dearth of women in leadership positions in architectural education. Of the 73 programs we were able to access during the 2012-2013 academic year, 62% had either no women or only one woman invited to be a part of their public programming and 34% had no women invited at all. Additionally, according to the National Architectural Accrediting Board 2012 report, women comprise only 32% of architecture faculty. Women are only 21% of full professors, 29% of associate professors, 36% of assistant professors and 35% of instructors. Yet our students graduating from architecture programs are 42% women. Our female students are not observing enough people like themselves teaching their classes, in positions of leadership in their schools or being invited to publically lecture. ArchiteXX is working to raise awareness and change these statistics.  We are beginning to establish connections at schools of architecture across the country combined with the creation of our university hubs to educate architecture programs and universities about why we need more women involved in all aspects and at all levels. We are working to help promote more of our female colleagues to lecture, to teach and to lead in the academy.