
Advocacy is instrumental for change. Through advocacy efforts in high schools and universities, architecture will become a more diverse profession and engage broader demographics. Advocacy will help change the discipline institutionally, culturally and professionally. Advocacy introduces younger students to the possibilities of becoming an architect and the importance of architecture for our built environment. Advocacy will educate our high school, university students and university leaders about the role they have in the evolution of educational and professional models of architecture. We believe that in order for the discipline to become more diverse and inclusive we must collaborate with all educational levels to first envision and second create the types of architectural practices we imagine possible.


University Hubs

women write wikipedia

As a universal portal, Wikipedia is most often the first site someone searches for quick information about almost anything. Although it is highly accessed, there is great gender disparity of architects represented on its site. #wikiD began in response to the lack of women architects represented in Wikipedia. Our global efforts to write more women into Wikipedia will not stop until gender parity has been accomplished. We have partnered with Parlour in Australia and n-AILS in Germany in these efforts and have been supported by a Wikimedia Foundation Grant to do so. Please join us in writing more women in!