women. wikipedia. design. #wikiD


UPDATE! We are so honored to be co-hosting the NYC #WikiD ‎Edit-a-thon with the AIANY and Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation (BWAF) at the Center for Architecture (AIANY) this Sunday 3/8 from 1-4pm. Come #makeitwrite‬ with us! While you're there, be sure to check out the new Built by Women New York City exhibit, open until April 11, 2015. Suggested Donation: $10. Registration and more info here:http://cfa.aiany.org/index.php?section=calendar&evtid=8091

After re-reading Despina Stratigakos's Places essay, "Unforgetting Women Architects: From the Pritzker to Wikipedia," and a friend's experience this past summer linguistically wrestling with Wikipedia editing trolls who were doing their utmost to un-write women out of a certain section of activism, we realized it is time to take action.

ArchiteXX would like to invite as many people as possible to help write into wikipedia women designers, architects and all those involved in the creation of our built environment on International Women's Day, March 8. We are seeking to create a global effort in order to have the most diverse and wide ranging of women written in on this day. Because there are so many women to write about, we see this as the inaugural of what we hope will become an annual event.

We have created a help sheet including wiki entry protocal and citing criteria. Please email lbrown04@syr.edu for these. You can begin to develop a list of women you would like to write in, their information and references you will be citing as well as any images you would like to include. We have a sign up list so we can know who and how many women will be written about: http://goo.gl/forms/xIf4cUOPaH. Please let us know if you are interested in hosting a wiki writing party! And here are the protocol instructions.

We hope you will participate and please encourage everyone you know to join us. We want this to be a truly global event!

Now lets go create more online presence for women!